Welcome to the V4RM network!
The mission of the V4RM network is to provide an interface between science, education and business communities involved in the field of Regenerative Medicine in Visegrad countries and Ukraine.
The network is intended to become a basis for the establishment of wide consortia of organizations for generating future collaborative grant applications, promotion of student exchanges and growth of competitiveness of organizations within the world.
We believe gaining the best practices from the neighbouring countries would bridge the gap in the communication and bring significant long-lasting impact in the development of the regenerative medicine in our region. We expect to increase the success rate of our collaborative research projects, young scientist exchanges, as well as improve the overall business/research/education cooperation.
Czech Republic: Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS, v. v. i.
Institute of Experimental Medicine CAS, v. v. i., (IEM) is the leading institution in the Czech Republic in basic and applied research in regenerative medicine, neuroscience, stem cell research and tissue engineering.
Hungary: BioTalentum, Ltd. Gödöllő
BioTalentum Ltd is a research SME and technology provider in Central & Eastern Europe, working mostly on stem cell research and services, with a branch on H2020 project management and trainings.
Poland: Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Justification of involvement: The research area of the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre (MMRC) Polish Academy of Sciences focuses on key experimental medicine problems, solvable at the level of basic body functions and pathologies.
Slovakia: Institute of Neuroimmunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
The Institute of Neuroimmunology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IoN) is a research centre for neuroscience in Slovakia. The research includes the cell-based therapy, their conditioned media or exosomes, molecular biology and proteomics, brain-related activities of immune cells and cytokine signalling, metabolomics of neurotransmitters and other small active molecules in the central nervous system.
Ukraine: Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the NAS Ukraine, Kharkiv
The Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the NAS Ukraine (IPC&C) is a pioneer and leading research institution, dealing with stem cell biology, regenerative medicine and stem cell banking in Ukraine.